Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hubba Hubba

"I'm ready for my closeup Mommy"

Happy Valentine's Day

My Mom suggested that I should take cute pictures of the girls in Valentine outfits. I thought it was a great idea. I just should have known better to wait until after lunch to take Callie's picture. I guess she figures that clothes and pictures don't always have to go together.
Happy Valentine's Day

Smarty Pants

A few days ago we were at Walmart and of course we were looking around in the toy section. (Because no trip to Walmart is complete without and stop in the toy section). We found this book called Preschool basics. I thought it would be fun so we bought it. We then came home, I put Callie down for a nap, and Emmy started working in this book. I kept asking her if she wanted to be done and she kept telling me just one more page. All I did was explain then instructions and she did the rest. Less than 2 hours later she was totally done with this 64 page booklet. I guess you could say she is ready for the challenge of kindergarten.
(This page is circling the picture that starts with the same sound)

Wagon Wheels

I know it's been way too long since we've updated this...sorry! Between Dal's GMAT and trying to apply for Grad school, life has been a little busy. Here's a cute one of Callie trying to put an entire wagon wheel in her mouth. Cramming large amounts of food into one's mouth...hmmm...who'd she learn that from?